Pet Manners classes are for non-reactive dogs over 4 months of age who need training in basic manners. There is no maximum age.
Pet Manners is a linear course of 10 classes, usually twice a week for five weeks.
Classes are kept small and personal, with a maximum of 4 handlers and their dogs in each class.
You will learn how to teach your dog the following behaviours:
- Paying attention to handler, practised with distractions
- Emergency Recall, practised with outdoor distractions
- Come When Called, practised with outdoor distractions and distance
- Loose Leash Walking, practised outdoors with distractions
- Sit and remain sitting while handler talks to a friend
- Lie down and stay
- Wait at the door/gate, with distractions on the other side
This curriculum is based on a curriculum developed by the Karen Pryor Academy.
CLICK HERE for a list of upcoming classes
To register, CLICK HERE.
Training sheets
Trainings sheets with step-by-step instructions for all the behaviours are included in your course.
You WILL need to practice at home in between classes. THE GOOD NEWS is that, because of the positive training methods that we use, most students only need to practice on average 10-20 minutes effective training time each day!
So long as you do your homework, and your dog does not have any fear or aggression issues, you should be able to graduate with a happy and obedient dog that you will be proud to take out in public. You will also have gained a basic understanding of how to continue to teach your dog most basic skills and tricks.
Loved it? Want to learn even more?
When you graduate, ask us about Advanced Manners or Canine Good neighbour, weekly classes for graduates of our Pet Manners or Foundation course.
For more information, contact us at [email protected] or call 250-732-5415.

I found COWICHAN CANINE by accident. It was the best accident I ever had. CC above all has made me a better and more aware pet owner. They have opened my eyes farther than I thought I could see. I am grateful for my new knowledge and grateful That my puppy/dog will have the best education to guide him through his life happily. Thank you Lisbeth Jody Glenda Stephanie and especially Nancy for immediately catching my errors.
Denise williams
To Everyone at Cowichan Canine: Cyrus & I have just finished the Foundation program and passed with Honours - phew! Along the way we were fortunate to sample several of the other courses that you offer, including private lessons for my other dog, Ricco. It was a real treat to be able to do that . I learned soooo much about my dogs; from how they react to each other, how to understand their body language, to be more patient and even what treats to provide for success. I was very impressed from the start with your on-line registration, the class sizes, the ability to work at our own pace, and even the individual water bowls. And on top of all that, each instructor offers a unique view of training so that you can get different perspectives. And of course, Andrea keeps the ship running smoothly. The time the three of us have spent with you has definitely been a worthwhile Thank you from Sherie, Ricco & Cyrus.
Sherie Robb
Maple Bay