First, Do No Harm
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Cowichan Canine Classes

Puppy Start Right Classes

The early puppyhood socialization period is a critical and finite period of time during which puppies are developmentally open to new experiences.


Pet Manners Classes

A comprehensive pet manners programme for all dogs over 17 weeks of age! No upper age limit!


Reactive Dog Classes

For owners who have dogs with "issues". Dogs that have been labelled "aggressive" or "fearful".




We offer agility classes for all levels of students skills, even for puppies!


Canine Good Neighbour

Cowichan Canine offers prep classes for the official Canine Good Neighbour test for all levels of student skills.


Carting Class

Large dogs have historically been used for carting work, taking goods to market, moving firewood or other supplies around the farm, or even pulling people.


Play Groups

Get together with other dogs for a fun play session. We also offer Toy Breed and Senior socials!



Rally Obedience 

This is a sport that you can enjoy simply because you wish to teach your dog to heel nicely and reliably, or because you wish to compete and earn titles.


Scent Detection

Dogs learn to systematically search boxes and other objects, including vehicles, for hidden scent.


Behaviour Evaluation Session

If in doubt of which of our training services would suit your dog the best, private training or classes, we offer a Behaviour Evaluation. If you are that are interested in our Reactive Dog Programme, Day Training or Board & Train, this evaluation is compulsory.

The Behaviour Evaluation consists of

- One 20-30 mins Zoom session, where we go through a 16-page Behaviour Information Form that you will have completed ahead of time; and

- One 20-30 mins in-person session, where we meet your dog and assess his or her behaviour with other dogs, people or other triggers.

- We then discuss and decide together how we can best help your dog based on our findings and your time and budget constraints.


Once we receive your payment, we will send you the Behaviour Information Form and contact you to set up the two sessions.




What's New?
What Clients Are Saying:

Lisbeth -I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that Lexy is doing great. We are so proud of her. In the last month it seems like she has realized that life is ok here and she doesn’t have to worry anymore. Resource guarding gone. No more worried looks. Even the door is ok now. When familiar people come she doesn’t even bother getting off the couch anymore and minimal barking with any other comings and goings. I have had her off leash a fair bit and she listens when I call her. And she regularly turns around to see where I am. Best of all, she loves to swim and she loves the sailboat. Thanks for all your help – Warm regards from us and Lexy !!

Carmen Hildebrand, Shibui Gallery and Sculpture Garden
Maple Bay

Karen is an awesome teacher. She is caring, gentle and patient. She gave me a little extra time tohelp me because I am hard of hearing and have great difficulty hearing in class. Because of her, Monkey flourished under her care. Thank you, Karen, for all your help!

Cindy & Monkey
Mill Bay, BC

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©2025 Cowichan Canine Behaviour & Training Ltd. All rights reserved.
Group Classes, Private or Semi-private in-home training Lessons and confidential
Behaviour Consultations in the Cowichan Valley area, on southern Vancouver Island, servicing Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Duncan, Glenora, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Malahat, Maple Bay, Mill Bay, Saltair, Saltspring Island, Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island and Youbou.
Palm Tree Creative