First, Do No Harm
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Play Groups

Cowichan Canine offers a variety of playgroups where dogs can socialize, play and interact with other carefully vetted dogs, all under the watchful eye of one of our qualified instructors.

Playgroups are open to dogs that are, or have been, active in our classes or private training programmes. Dogs must be over 17 weeks of age, be happy and relaxed around other dogs and people and have a good recall (those dogs who are in the unfenced area).

A qualified instructor will always attend, to keep an eye on interactions and advise when help is needed. 

Most playgroups are outdoors, so dress for the weather and bring a towel to wipe your dog off aftewards, in case it's wet or muddy - since this is Vancouver Island, that probably means most of the time!

CLICK HERE for a list of our fees, including punch card prices for playgroups, and our schedule. 



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What Clients Are Saying:

Hello Cowichan Canine, We thought you might enjoy an update on Sigrid. We went to the Port Alberni Sanction Match. We are so thankful we did Puppy Start Right and are in Foundations 1. The training really pulled together in this environment. Sigrid experienced crating, grooming, strange people touching and examining, strange dogs, a new place with strange acoustics, angry dogs, scared dogs, new commands, and a show lead. Her socialization has given her confidence in spades! She handled it all like a champ and she truly enjoyed herself as we were hoping she would. We could not have done this without the foundations training to settle and also to pay attention in a distracting environment. It was helpful for her to be used to coexisting next to other focused dogs without greeting. Thank you so much for all she is learning. Cait & Jess

Sigrid & Cait & Jess
Duncan, BC

To Everyone at Cowichan Canine: Cyrus & I have just finished the Foundation program and passed with Honours - phew! Along the way we were fortunate to sample several of the other courses that you offer, including private lessons for my other dog, Ricco. It was a real treat to be able to do that . I learned soooo much about my dogs; from how they react to each other, how to understand their body language, to be more patient and even what treats to provide for success. I was very impressed from the start with your on-line registration, the class sizes, the ability to work at our own pace, and even the individual water bowls. And on top of all that, each instructor offers a unique view of training so that you can get different perspectives. And of course, Andrea keeps the ship running smoothly. The time the three of us have spent with you has definitely been a worthwhile Thank you from Sherie, Ricco & Cyrus.

Sherie Robb
Maple Bay

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©2025 Cowichan Canine Behaviour & Training Ltd. All rights reserved.
Group Classes, Private or Semi-private in-home training Lessons and confidential
Behaviour Consultations in the Cowichan Valley area, on southern Vancouver Island, servicing Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Duncan, Glenora, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Malahat, Maple Bay, Mill Bay, Saltair, Saltspring Island, Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island and Youbou.
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