Cowichan Canine offers a variety of playgroups where dogs can socialize, play and interact with other carefully vetted dogs, all under the watchful eye of one of our qualified instructors.
Playgroups are open to dogs that are, or have been, active in our classes or private training programmes. Dogs must be over 17 weeks of age, be happy and relaxed around other dogs and people and have a good recall (those dogs who are in the unfenced area).
A qualified instructor will always attend, to keep an eye on interactions and advise when help is needed.
Most playgroups are outdoors, so dress for the weather and bring a towel to wipe your dog off aftewards, in case it's wet or muddy - since this is Vancouver Island, that probably means most of the time!
CLICK HERE for a list of our fees, including punch card prices for playgroups, and our schedule.

Hero has been making lots and lots of progress. His only setbacks have been when I have pushed him too far. I am on summer break from teaching and have been dedicated hours each day to his training. Too many great stories to share, but I do have to share this one, for me it was his "graduation." Ever since our sessions with you at the house, I have been working with Hero on an "away" command, where he keeps away from being right in front of doors. For the last months, I drop treats on the floor at the end of the hallway by my living room as I go in and out the front door. I do it 100% of the time. A few weeks ago, high winds blew open the front door at 7:30 a.m. while I was sleeping. I heard Hero pacing in the living room and then whining. I got up to investigate and found Hero waiting patiently in his "away" location, waiting for his treat, rather than go out the un-supervised wide open front door and into mischief. It was worth every treat I had spent!!!!!
Becky & Hero
Buster and I had a great time in Foundation. I was already recommending you to clients, but will do so even more passionately now. Buster and I will likely show up in a beginners' agility class soon.
Donna Markland DVM
Cobble Hill