Welcome to
Cowichan Canine!
Orientation Class is a 50 mins FREE on-demand lesson via YouTube that you access at your convenience before you register for class. Prospective students are welcome to attend Orientation class at before deciding to sign up.
In Orientation Class, we introduce you to the classes we offer, how to register, why we train the way we do, and lots of other useful information.
Attending Orientation Class is compulsory for all new students.
CLICK HERE to take the Orientation Class.
CLICK HERE to register for classes.
Please call us 250-929-1400 or email [email protected]
if you have any further question.

Today I was paid the ultimate compliment by Lisbeth Plant, owner of Cowichan Canine. She said I had helped my puppy Daphne (now 6 months old) develop into a really nice young dog. I agree! But of course I could not have done it without the wonderful folks at Cowichan Canine: professional, caring, knowledgeable and a bonus - all with a great sense of humour! Lisbeth, Stephanie, Andrea, Glenda and Steph all continue to help me guide Daphne and I am so grateful for their help, knowledge and kindness and for occasionally talking me down from a proverbial cliff! How lucky we are here in the Cowichan valley to have access to a full spectrum of resources to help guide and develop our dogs into the best they can be! Let the learning (and fun) continue!
Theresa Coles
Hello Cowichan Canine,
We thought you might enjoy an update on Sigrid. We went to the Port Alberni Sanction Match. We are so thankful we did Puppy Start Right and are in Foundations 1. The training really pulled together in this environment.
Sigrid experienced crating, grooming, strange people touching and examining, strange dogs, a new place with strange acoustics, angry dogs, scared dogs, new commands, and a show lead.
Her socialization has given her confidence in spades! She handled it all like a champ and she truly enjoyed herself as we were hoping she would. We could not have done this without the foundations training to settle and also to pay attention in a distracting environment. It was helpful for her to be used to coexisting next to other focused dogs without greeting.
Thank you so much for all she is learning.
Cait & Jess
Sigrid & Cait & Jess
Duncan, BC