ONLINE ROUNDTABLE: Living with a Reactive Dog
Sunday, March 23, 2025 -
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 -
DOG BLOG - Loose Leash Walking Did Happen... Eventually!
Wednesday, December 31, 2025 -
DOG BLOG - I'm not indecisive, just training my dog
Wednesday, December 31, 2025

I had the good fortune and pleasure to take the Foundation Program at Cowichan K9 this winter
with my lab cross puppy Cody. Cody just turned 8 months when we graduated with distinction from this awesome training experience. Bev, Karen, and Glenda were terrific and facilitated our learning with clear instruction, helpful tips, and much kindness and caring.
I've worked with dogs all my life and was amazed at how much I learned participating in this program and now Cody and I get to benefit daily from our indelible experience with you. Training with such positive reinforcement, small class size, and expert facilitation enhanced our relationship beyond measure and will continue to do so now that we have the tools and understanding.
Cody travels on rounds with me and is continually being complimented on his fine manners and keen willingness to please. I am so proud of him! Attending our classes at Cowichan Canine was the highlight of each week and will continue to be as we begin agility classes and scent games.
I can't thank you enough for how your program has enriched our relationship and daily life together.
I recommend all my clients take their dogs to Cowichan Canine. Every one can benefit!
p.s. Your Christmas party was the highlight of the season, hands down! Class act: so many happy, well behaved dogs and their people, games and prizes, Santa and presents, incredibly delicious appies and meatballs galore for all. That was the best Christmas function I've ever attended!
Thank you again -
Dr Brenda Bernhardt
Cowichan Veterinary HouseCall Services
Amazing is the only way we can describe the transformation with our very reactive dog. Levi, our 5 year old Duck Toller, had taken the Foundations training and walked nicely on a leash. However he started to react to bikes and it got worse as time went by. When he saw a bike go by our happy-go-lucky dog turned into a monster. He would bark, lunge, and do the famous 'duck toller scream'. He was totally uncontrollable. We were very much afraid that if he ever got off leash he would attack the cyclist. It was very stressfull for both us and Levi.
We decided to ask Lisbeth for help. With a few private lessons and practice Levi is a changed dog. The other day a cyclist came up behind us and rode within two feet of Levi and he only turned his head to look for a treat. Amazing! We can't thank you enough Lisbeth and Levi thanks you too.
Jan and Sig
Duncan, BC