The Canine Good Neighbour test (CGN) is offered under the auspices of the Canadian Kennel Club and is open to all dogs, whether purebred or mixed breed.
Cowichan Canine offers prep classes to get you and your dog ready for the Canine Good Neighbour test.
Four student-dog treams are required to start the class.
1. Parvo/distemper vaccination certificate no older than 3 years, or parvo/distemper titer certificate no older than 1 year.
2. Dog is over 8 weeks old and not reactive to other dogs or people.
3. Students must have graduated from our Pet Manners or Foundation course, or complete a 30 minute challenge assessment to make sure they have the basic skills to benefit from this class.
CLICK HERE to register
Any questions, please call 250-732-5415 or email [email protected]

I just wanted to touch base with you and give a big THANK YOU for your help with Kaiya. Kaiya is such a great dog. My mom and Step-dad came to visit last week, and they got on with Kaiya like gang-busters! She gave a few little grumbles to my step-dad the first evening when he was in the house, and then nothing. One walk and she fell in love with a few more family members. We still plan to continue Kaiya's training as discussed. Matt has worked with her so well that he takes her out into the big fields here and plays fetch with her off leash! I was very impressed.
Karin, Matt, and Kaiya
Mill Bay, BC
Thanks Bev, You are totally awesome and a great teacher. Thanks also to Lisbeth for her puppy socialization classes, and to Karen and Laurie. We took these classes as a condition of our breeder's contract, and we are so glad we did. It all began with your wonderful puppy socialization classes – little Fred was so happy to meet other little ones, and we learned a lot about dog etiquette and grooming. And then it progressed to Foundation where finally I could put a dog into a “down” without begging (eg our two other goldens now in doggie heaven) and could walk around the neighbourhood without the dog walking me! I think Fred is a happier and smarter puppy because of your training style. Woof woof from Fred! And a big thank you from us!
Marilyn and Kelly
Shawnigan Lake, BC