About Lisbeth
Lisbeth Plant ACDBC UW-AAB KPACTP CBATI is the founder and owner of Cowichan Canine. She was born and grew up in Sweden, but she is British by naturalization and Canadian by marriage. Lisbeth was the CEO of an insurance/reinsurance company in the City of London, England, until she was forced to retire in 1998 following a severe horse-riding accident. She moved to Cobble Hill, BC in 1999.
Lisbeth is an Associate Certified Member in the Dog Division of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, holds a Certificate in Applied Animal Behavior from the University of Washingon, a Certified Training Partner of the Karen Pryor Academy and a Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor (CBATI). She specializes in the behaviour modification of fearful, reactive and aggressive dogs, but works with dogs with many different behaviour issues on a daily basis.
Lisbeth is a strong advocate for increased professionalism and continuing education for professional dog trainers, and is a founding member of PACTA BC - Professional Animal Care and Training Association of BC, in which she served in all director capacities since its inception in 2010 until retiring in 2023.
Lisbeth is a licensed Be A Tree-presenter with Doggone Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to dog bite prevention through education and dog bite victim support. The Be a Tree programme is a seminar program for elementary school children that teaches dog body language and how to act safely around dogs. Through the sponsorships of Cowichan Canine, Lisbeth offers the Be a Tree dog bite prevention program free of charge to schools, scout groups and similar community groups. Lisbeth is also a Canine Good Neighbour evaluator for the Canadian Kennel Club.
Thanks to all Cowichan Canine staff annually fulfilling the necessary requirements, Cowichan Canine maintains its accreditation under the BC SPCA's AnimalKind accreditation programme.
From time to time, Lisbeth serves as an expert witness in the Provincial Court of BC in cases relating to dangerous dogs.
Lisbeth's resume:
Personal Details |
Citizenship |
British, Canadian |
Languages |
Fluent in English and Swedish |
Contact |
Cowichan Canine Behaviour & Training Ltd 1462 Mile End Road, Cobble Hill BC V8H 0C2 Tel: 250-929-1400 Fax: 250-929-1401 Email: [email protected] |
Education |
1972-1975 |
Gymnasieekonom (~High School Economist) Malmö Latinskola, Malmö, Sweden |
Business Accreditation |
2019-present |
Th BC SPCA audits AnimalKind member companies to confirm they are following their science-based, animal-friendly standards. AnimalKind standards blend current research in animal welfare science with practical protocols, and have been developed in consultation with animal welfare scientists, veterinarians and industry groups. Cowichan Canine was one of the first companies to be so accredited when the programme was first launched in 2019. |
Current Certifications |
2016 |
ACDBC - Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, |
2016 |
UW-AAB - Certificate in Applied Animal Behavior from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. https://www.pce.uw.edu/certificates/applied-animal-behavior |
2015 |
CBATI - Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor |
2011 |
Dogsafe Canine First Aid, Levels 1-2 |
2009 |
KPA CTP - Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner |
Work Experience |
2009-present |
Owner & President, Dog Behaviour Consultant |
2023-present |
Member of the Professional Standars & National Curriculum Committee of the Canadian Association of Professional Dog Trainers. |
2013-present |
Trainer and educator, Cowichan & District SPCA |
2011-present |
Founding Member and currently serving on the Board of Directors of PACTA Professional Animal Care and Training Association of BC. Past volunteer positions as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director, Chair of Education Committee, and Chair of the Complaints Committee. |
2009-present |
Speaker Association of Professional Dog Trainers Annual Conference 2012 BC SPCA Animal Behaviour Symposium 2019 "Aggressive Dog Behaviour Case Studies" BC SPCA Cowichan & District Branch Staff & volunteer education, multiple events BC SPCA Kelowna Branch Staff & volunteer education 2018 McKenzie Veterinary Services, Victoria Staff course on low stress handling 2021 Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital Staff course "Low Stress Handling" 2014, 2020 PACTA Professional Animal Care and Training Association of BC Multiple events, ongoing Regional District of Central Okanagan Staff course for Bylaw Officers 2018, Seminar for owners of Dangerous Dogs 2018 |
2009-present |
Author, dog training articles in various publications, inc: The APDT Chronicle, South Cowichan Life, Times Colonist, Duncan Free Press and various US and European breed specific club magazines. |
2006-2015, 2023-present |
Volunteer Data Operator The Berner-Garde Foundation was established in 1995 to assist in efforts to improve the health of Bernese Mountain Dogs. The BGF is comprised of a voluntary Board of Trustees and other workers. Although used world-wide, it is based in the USA as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Efforts are focused on enabling scientific research, breeding decisions and treatment options that will help increase the lifespan of the Bernese Mountain Dog. |
2016-2023 |
Database Manager – International Operators |
2011-2015 |
Teacher's Assistant for the Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Professional Program, national and international courses, working under: |
2011 Aug |
Co-presenter, Behavior Education Network Webinar of the Month: "Modular Dog training Classes - Wave of the Future or an Instructor's Headache?" |
2004-2009 |
Volunteer trainer, assistant trainer, director |
General Manager (until forced into medical retirement following a horse-riding accident) |
Managing Director |
1996-1998 |
Volunteer Instructor |
1992-1997 |
Volunteer Instructor, Diving Officer |
1992-1995 |
Chief Underwriter |
1990-1992 |
Underwriter |
1988-1990 |
Underwriter |
1986-1987 |
Underwriting Assistant |
1983-1986 |
Underwriting Assistant |
1979-1983 |
Reinsurance Accounts Clerk |
1977-1979 |
Accounts Clerk |
1975-1977 |
Accounts Clerk |
Professional Courses |
2015-2016 |
Certificate in Applied Animal Behavior A three-semester credit program online course (3 credits per semester) on the basic principles of evolution and natural selection as they relate to animal behavior, the application of animal behaviors to human-animal interaction, the latest scientific research on the training and care of companion animals, and methods to integrate theory with real-world practice in treating and improving behavior. Psych 200C/ AAB 200A: Comparative Animal Behavior Psych 291/ AAB 291: Principles of Applied Animal Behavior Psych 292A/ AAB 292A: Applied Animal Behavior in Practice |
2015 |
Learning Theory 201: An Advanced Look at How Animals Learn |
The Canine Brain: from Neurons to Behavior |
Canine Hormones: from Molecules to Behavior |
2014 |
BAT 2.0 - Instructors' Course A five-day hands-on instructors' course for behaviorists and trainers. Certification for BAT (Behavior Adjustment Training) instructors is a way to provide dog owners with a trusted source of referrals to behaviorists and trainers using BAT to rehabilitate dog aggression and other issues. |
Animal Behavior |
2013 |
Behavior+Works - Living & Learning With Animals: The Science & Technology of Behavior Change This course provides the foundation for a comprehensive and coherent understanding of behavior analysis as it relates to facilitating the lives of captive and companion animals. The principles and procedures discussed throughout the class apply to all species. http://www.behaviorworks.org/htm/lla_professional_overview.html |
Puppy Start Right for Instructors The Puppy Start Right Preschool™ curriculum is co-written by a veterinarian and a Karen Pryor Academy faculty member and is a unique course that brings together veterinary and dog training expertise. |
2011 |
Internship on Behaviour Analysis & Behaviour Modification |
2009 |
Karen Pryor Academy Professional Dog Trainer Program This six-month programme is aimed at highly motivated trainers who have specific goals for improving knowledge, skills, and career prospects. The course combines online learning with four two-day workshops with the best teachers in the field, to create outstanding positive reinforcement trainers to teach the general public. |
Coaching People To Train Their Dogs I & II The syllabus of what was at the time a two-week course contains: Behaviour problems, Class organization, Hands-on dog training and teaching dog owners, Ethology/Body language, Family dog skills/children & dogs, Husbandry/dog care, Instruction/people skills, The science of learning/hands-on animal training, Puppy development socialization and training, Business tips and Training equipment/use. |
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, |
2021 |
Stretch Don’t Snap: Why Your Resilience Matters |
Resource Guarding |
ClickerExpo |
2020 |
Anxiety: The Whole Story |
Aggression in Dogs Conference |
Coaching of Tomorrow: Coach Reinforce Repeat |
To Spay or Not to Spay – That is the Question |
Management and Antibiotic Considerations in Canine Pyometra |
Surprising Teaching Tool – Break Eye Contact |
IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants) “Lemonade Conference” |
Recent Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy |
With Open Arms and a Level Head: How to Bring a Puppy Into Your Life |
Finding Connection in Times of Challenge |
Survive & Thrive |
Zoonotic Diseases: What are they and how do we prepare? |
Discussing Puppy Socialization during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Remote Consultations for Aggression Cases |
COVID-19 in Companion Animals: A Canadian Animal Health Institute (CAHI) Information-Sharing Webinar |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in veterinary and animal group settings |
Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy |
Understand Impulsivity and Become More Skilled at Working with Imulsive Dogs |
2019 |
VIATA "Is That A Behaviour Problem? Behaviour Cases That Have Medical and Behavioural Differentials" presented by Dr Karen Van Haaften DVM DAVCB |
2018, 2019 |
BC SPCA Animal Behaviour Science Symposium |
2018 |
Understanding Steroid Responsive Meningitis-Arteritis and Other Inflammatory Neurological Disorders in Dogs |
Assessing Canine Behavior in the Shelter: Input from Multiple Sources |
Noise Phobia in Dogs |
2017 |
ClickerExpo |
A Veterinary Behaviorist's Approach to Reactivity, Fear & Anxiety in Pets |
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants |
2016 |
ClickerExpo |
2015 |
ClickerExpo |
Stress and Aggression in Dogs |
2014 |
ClickerExpo |
2013 |
ClickerExpo |
SPARCS Conference |
2012 |
ClickerExpo |
APDT Conference |
Chicken Camp Condensed 202-Criteria & 203-Behavior Chains |
Learn to Earn/Perfect Puppy/Doggie Playskills |
Fear & Aggression / Dominance vs Leadership |
2011 |
ClickerExpo |
K9 Nosework |
Chicken Camp 201-Cueing |
2010 |
ClickerExpo |
Special Operant Conditioning Workshop |
Know Way, Know How: The Science and Art of Clicker Training |
Games for Teaching Reliability, Precision & Pizzazz |
Quantitatively & Qualitatively Raising the Bar in Dog Training |
Behavior, Activity & Reactivity Problems |
2009 |
APDT Conference |
Poultry In Motion |
What's Up Dog / How Dogs Think / Relationship Training and Problem Behavior Toolkit / Stress in Dogs |
Creative Client Coaching |
Working With Fearful Dogs |
2008 |
Dog Behavior - The Science Made Accessible |
Research |
2011-12 |
"Extinction - A Preliminary Study - Is extinction a necessary part of putting a behavior on cue, or is it an unnecessarily stressful experience?" - This preliminary study was presented by me at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers annual conference in Cincinnati, OH, in October 2012 and the results and all documentation was transferred to Dr Jesus Rosales-Ruiz PhD, Associate Professor-Behavior Analysis, University of North Texas, in January 2013. |
Expert Witness |
2020 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Philips in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert in the assessment and training of aggressive dogs. January 2020 |
2019 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Harvey in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert with respect to making assessments as to whether or not a dog is aggressive and dangerous; the likelihood of the dog, in the future, attacking and killing or seriously injuring a person or another domestic animal, and in the training and rehabilitating of aggressive and dangerous dogs. January 2019 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Mrozinski in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert with respect to making assessments as to whether or not a dog is aggressive and dangerous; the likelihood of the dog, in the future, attacking and killing or seriously injuring a person or another domestic animal, and in the training and rehabilitating of aggressive and dangerous dogs. October 2018 |
2017 S |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Mrozinski in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert with respect to making assessments as to whether or not a dog is aggressive and dangerous; the likelihood of the dog, in the future, attacking and killing or seriously injuring a person or another domestic animal, and in the training and rehabilitating of aggressive and dangerous dogs. October 2017 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Black in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. March 2017 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Myers in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert with respect to making assessments as to whether or not a dog is aggressive and dangerous; the likelihood of the dog, in the future, attacking and killing or seriously injuring a person or another domestic animal, and in the training and rehabilitating of aggressive and dangerous dogs. March 2017 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge McQuillan in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. September 2016 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Gray in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. July 2015 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Wallace in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. May 2015 |
N |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Cartwright in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. March 2015 |
2014 |
Qualified by The Honourable Judge Saunderson in the Provincial Court of British Columbia as an expert for the purpose of providing the court with opinions on the assessment, management, training and modification of the behaviour of aggressive dogs. October 2014 |

Thanks so much Bev. You are a great teacher! We learned soooo much...myself as well as Bindi!!
Wanted to take the time to give you and Cowichan Canine a big THANK YOU!
Marilyn & Bindi
I adopted an adult dog and had no idea what I was getting into. The dog was terrified of everything, seemed as if she had never been walked on a leash, and hid from everyone. I called Cowichan Canine for help and Lisbeth came over that very day. With her gentle guidance, my dog is gaining confidence and I am feeling hopeful that I can help this dog to become a happy friend. I am very thankful for all the support I have received.
Lyn Merryfeather (Diva)