First, Do No Harm
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ONLINE ROUNDTABLE: Living with a Reactive Dog

Sunday, March 23, 2025

By invitation only, for students in our Reactive Dog Programme and private clients with reactive dogs.

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What Clients Are Saying:

Both Carmella and I had a great time in the Puppy Start Right program and we are amazed every day at how much difference both the program and its philosophy have made for our pup. Thanks again to you and Laurie!!!

Laurel Fossett

Last week I had to take True to the vet because he had an ear infection. He bounced into the office with me as if he was going to the park, he was friendly with the girls at the front desk. We went in the examination room and he was fine, happily sniffing every square inch of the floor. He was happy to see the vet and even though his ear was sore he didn't do anything when she swabbed it. True didn't enjoy having his anal glands expelled but he didn't struggle or make a peep. I was so proud of him. The vet said she was amazed at how well behaved he was and how he had come such a long way, and she complimented me on my training. Thank you so much for all your help.

Wendy Neumann & True the Bouiver
Reactive Dog Programme student, Duncan, BC

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Group Classes, Private or Semi-private in-home training Lessons and confidential
Behaviour Consultations in the Cowichan Valley area, on southern Vancouver Island, servicing Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Duncan, Glenora, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Malahat, Maple Bay, Mill Bay, Saltair, Saltspring Island, Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island and Youbou.
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