Our new purpose-built training facility, located at
1462 Mile End Road, Cobble Hill, BC.

Hi there, Ed and I are doing pretty good. The vet is tackling his some health issues and Ed seems to be much happier overall with summer being here. He's even willing to roll on his back and let me rub his tummy now which I think is a good sign of our improved relationship.
Anyone I talk to about Ed gets a big recommendation from me regarding Cowichan Canine. I sing your praises every chance I get since I know that I would be in a pretty bad situation without your help every step of Ed's development. Thanks so much for all the education that I needed and all of the fun times as well
Heather Welychko
Vancouver Island
Hi Bev – I thought I’d let you know that Cody’s behaviour has been absolutely stellar since we graduated Foundations. We’ve been doing quite a bit of off leash walking, and he is suddenly paying so much more attention, coming when he is called – even if he’s playing with other dogs – I can hardly believe it!
Thanks again for all your help. Looking forward to seeing more info on Advanced Clicker and the other course you mentioned (good neighbor?) in October.
Joann Wilson
Duncan, BC