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"I adopted an adult dog and had no idea what I was getting into. The dog was terrified of everything, seemed as if she had never been walked on a leash, and hid from everyone. I called Cowichan Canine for help and Lisbeth came over that very day. With her gentle guidance, my dog is gaining confidence and I am feeling hopeful that I can help this dog to become a happy friend. I am very thankful for all the support I have received."

- Sent in by Lyn Merryfeather (Diva) (Duncan)

"To Everyone at Cowichan Canine: Cyrus & I have just finished the Foundation program and passed with Honours - phew! Along the way we were fortunate to sample several of the other courses that you offer, including private lessons for my other dog, Ricco. It was a real treat to be able to do that . I learned soooo much about my dogs; from how they react to each other, how to understand their body language, to be more patient and even what treats to provide for success. I was very impressed from the start with your on-line registration, the class sizes, the ability to work at our own pace, and even the individual water bowls. And on top of all that, each instructor offers a unique view of training so that you can get different perspectives. And of course, Andrea keeps the ship running smoothly. The time the three of us have spent with you has definitely been a worthwhile Thank you from Sherie, Ricco & Cyrus."

- Sent in by Sherie Robb (Maple Bay)

"Hi Lisbeth - just a quick note to thank you so much for your help with Jay. My relationship with him has transformed completely and we're really in a good place. It was definitely a great thing that we did with you and we really appreciate your expertise and care."

- Sent in by Brenda & Jay (Cobble Hill, BC)

"We just wanted you let you know that we bought 2 of the tractive GPS trackers for our Siberian Huskies as they are a breed known to not come back if let off a leash. We purchased the premium plan and we are truly amazed at what this can do. We have tested it even driving in our vehicle. It was very easy to set up on an app on our phones and each tracker has the capability of having a photo of your dog and shows the picture while tracking. We have a perimeter alarm set on it that texts us as soon as either dog breaches it and no matter where we are in the world we can switch to live tracking and track exactly where they’ve run off to. We are very pleased with how simple everything was and how sturdy the trackers are themselves. We would recommend this to anyone. January 20, 2018"

- Sent in by Dee & Terry Durant (Duncan, BC)

"Dear Lisbeth, With lots of practice through your guidence and instructions, I am beyond excited and pleased to inform you that Tina has conquered her fear of brooms and mops! It took about a month, slow consistent practicing and desensitizing, and I am now at a stage where Tina literally follows me around, tail wagging and smiles, while I clean the floors! Another fear checked off the list! Thank you so very much for your continued support throughout our journey. With the private training we took with you, then Confidence Class, and now Agility with amazing Glenda- Tina has turned into this confident, joyful, and content little dog that just loves life. School is Tina's absolute favorite thing and I am so glad to have found Cowichan Canine. Thank you for everything, to both you and Glenda for all fun we get to learn and experience. Tina's quality of life she so very much deserves just keeps getting better and better!"

- Sent in by Hanna Quinn and Tina the Toy Poodle (Crofton, BC)

"We have taken two dogs through Puppy Playgroup & Foundation. We are so pleased with how socialized our dogs are and well behaved. The methods that the trainers use at Cowichan Canine are amazing and we have to admit when we first started we didn’t think it would work with Siberian Huskies, not only did it work but one graduated with honours and the other was pretty darn close! Far exceeded our expectations of when we started the course. The Foundation class with Stephanie was absolutely brilliant and the dogs adored her. She was a wizard in convincing our very stubborn girl to actually want to play to learn! We wished they offered an advanced Foundation class to keep us coming back! We have signed up for the beginners scent detection so we are very excited to start a new chapter with our girls J January 20, 2018"

- Sent in by Dee & Terry (Duncan, BC)

"Dear Lisbeth, I have just passed my Foundation Programme with my dog Lucky. I just want to mention how much I enjoyed the classes with Karen. She was delightful to work with and I look forward to some more classes with her in the spring. "

- Sent in by Maxine Yeomans & Lucky ()

"Thanks so much Bev. You are a great teacher! We learned soooo much...myself as well as Bindi!! Wanted to take the time to give you and Cowichan Canine a big THANK YOU!"

- Sent in by Marilyn & Bindi (Ladysmith)

"My darling French Bulldog Maggie has passed this course with distinction. This would not have been possible without the fine teachings of Karen and Bev. Both these ladies conveyed instructions clearly and with humour, making the hour fun and interesting for both dog and owner. Maggie and I thoroughly enjoyed the course and plan on being back for more next fall. With many thanks, "

- Sent in by Mimi Hayes and Maggie Mc.F. Hayes (Duncan)

" I had the good fortune and pleasure to take the Foundation Program at Cowichan K9 this winter with my lab cross puppy Cody. Cody just turned 8 months when we graduated with distinction from this awesome training experience. Bev, Karen, and Glenda were terrific and facilitated our learning with clear instruction, helpful tips, and much kindness and caring. I've worked with dogs all my life and was amazed at how much I learned participating in this program and now Cody and I get to benefit daily from our indelible experience with you. Training with such positive reinforcement, small class size, and expert facilitation enhanced our relationship beyond measure and will continue to do so now that we have the tools and understanding. Cody travels on rounds with me and is continually being complimented on his fine manners and keen willingness to please. I am so proud of him! Attending our classes at Cowichan Canine was the highlight of each week and will continue to be as we begin agility classes and scent games. I can't thank you enough for how your program has enriched our relationship and daily life together. I recommend all my clients take their dogs to Cowichan Canine. Every one can benefit! p.s. Your Christmas party was the highlight of the season, hands down! Class act: so many happy, well behaved dogs and their people, games and prizes, Santa and presents, incredibly delicious appies and meatballs galore for all. That was the best Christmas function I've ever attended! Thank you again - "

- Sent in by Dr Brenda Bernhardt (Cowichan Veterinary HouseCall Services)

"I just wanted to touch base with you and give a big THANK YOU for your help with Kaiya. Kaiya is such a great dog. My mom and Step-dad came to visit last week, and they got on with Kaiya like gang-busters! She gave a few little grumbles to my step-dad the first evening when he was in the house, and then nothing. One walk and she fell in love with a few more family members. We still plan to continue Kaiya's training as discussed. Matt has worked with her so well that he takes her out into the big fields here and plays fetch with her off leash! I was very impressed."

- Sent in by Karin, Matt, and Kaiya (Mill Bay, BC)

"I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that Jody worked with us and our puppy over the month of August, and she was absolutely excellent. The private training was the perfect choice to address our specific questions and learn about returning to Alberta with the pup, and how to help her adjust. We look forward to more training next summer at the lake! Jody has such a wonderful attitude toward the training, and we felt very confident with our plan for introducing our puppy to Alberta. The introduction to our neighbour dog (the one who charges and barks as his "greeting") was perfect. We did a parallel walk across the green space, then got closer and used treats from me for both dogs. There was no charging, and they are now well introduced and quite good pals already!"

- Sent in by Happy Puppy Parent (AB)

"Both Carmella and I had a great time in the Puppy Start Right program and we are amazed every day at how much difference both the program and its philosophy have made for our pup. Thanks again to you and Laurie!!! "

- Sent in by Laurel Fossett (Duncan)

"Karen is an awesome teacher. She is caring, gentle and patient. She gave me a little extra time tohelp me because I am hard of hearing and have great difficulty hearing in class. Because of her, Monkey flourished under her care. Thank you, Karen, for all your help! "

- Sent in by Cindy & Monkey (Mill Bay, BC)

"Wanting to be new dog owners, we got 16 weeks old puppy, named Pepper. Shortly after bringing Pepper home, she was attacked by much larger dog and seriously injured. After consultation with the vet, we came to understanding that Pepper maybe traumatized by the horrible experience. We soon realized this was the case, Pepper was scared of other dogs and continuously barking. We contacted Lisbeth at Cowichan canine, who came to our home and gave us one on one lessons. We found Lisbeth to be very knowledgeable , professional and patient with novice dog owners. Lisbeth invited us to the Cowichan canine facility, where we were introduced to the staff and other dog owners. Being so impressed with the dedication of the staff and variety of classes, we enrolled Pepper immediately. Whenever we have any concerns or questions, Lisbeth is always quick to respond. Pepper became much calmer dog after reactive dog classes, so I am enjoying walking with her. To Lisbeth and the stuff, Thank you for everything."

- Sent in by Natsuko and Gary Chaperon (Duncan, BC)

"Buster and I had a great time in Foundation. I was already recommending you to clients, but will do so even more passionately now. Buster and I will likely show up in a beginners' agility class soon."

- Sent in by Donna Markland DVM (Cobble Hill)

"Amazing is the only way we can describe the transformation with our very reactive dog. Levi, our 5 year old Duck Toller, had taken the Foundations training and walked nicely on a leash. However he started to react to bikes and it got worse as time went by. When he saw a bike go by our happy-go-lucky dog turned into a monster. He would bark, lunge, and do the famous 'duck toller scream'. He was totally uncontrollable. We were very much afraid that if he ever got off leash he would attack the cyclist. It was very stressfull for both us and Levi. We decided to ask Lisbeth for help. With a few private lessons and practice Levi is a changed dog. The other day a cyclist came up behind us and rode within two feet of Levi and he only turned his head to look for a treat. Amazing! We can't thank you enough Lisbeth and Levi thanks you too. "

- Sent in by Jan and Sig (Duncan, BC)

"I sincerely want to thank all the trainers who worked with us on training our newest member of the family, Mila. Actually it was training us but we won't admit to that!! We had the privilege of working with Karen, Jody, Glenda, Bev and Lisbeth in our Foundation Classes. Every trainer took an active role in helping us achieve success. We felt that they were as excited with our small steps towards success as we were! The training program was so well laid out with the book, clickers, backpack and superb teachers that it made it easy to be successful if you were willing to put in the time. It also made it fun! There is a saying "it takes a village or community to raise a child". We think the saying could say "it takes Cowichan Canine to help raise a dog". We are now hoping to continue with agility classes and maybe even try the scent class. Thank you again"

- Sent in by Mila, Marg, Andre, Sarah & Curtis (Cowichan Valley)

"I don’t know if you remember Poppy but she was the small terrier that I did private training one on one to help her get over her fear of dogs. Well she is 13 months old now and loves meeting new dogs, she can’t get enough of it. She goes to doggie daycare on Saturdays because I have a long work shift and loves going there so she can play with all the other dogs. Anyways, I thought you would like to hear a good success story!"

- Sent in by Susy Lamb with Poppy (BC)

"Hi Lizbeth, Stephanie and Glenda: Thought you would like to know, we took Dalli to the Duncan market on Saturday morning. She was a perfect lady, walked around with her tail wagging and held high all the time. She was friendly and outgoing to other people, and sniffed other people’s hands and let them pet her when we stopped to talk or purchase things from the different stalls. We then walked over to the Garage for coffee, sat outside and again, she was well behaved, let people pet her and she was actually licking their hands. This was her first outing in a busy people environment as we usually just leave her in the car or at home when we go out shopping. What a difference from a year ago when you first met her. Thank you, thank you! We’ll see you in the fall when we come for the agility courses. (Dalli was adopted a year ago from Mexico, and was fear-aggressive to people coming to the house.)"

- Sent in by Greg & Terri Askham (Duncan)

"Lisbeth -I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that Lexy is doing great. We are so proud of her. In the last month it seems like she has realized that life is ok here and she doesn’t have to worry anymore. Resource guarding gone. No more worried looks. Even the door is ok now. When familiar people come she doesn’t even bother getting off the couch anymore and minimal barking with any other comings and goings. I have had her off leash a fair bit and she listens when I call her. And she regularly turns around to see where I am. Best of all, she loves to swim and she loves the sailboat. Thanks for all your help – Warm regards from us and Lexy !!"

- Sent in by Carmen Hildebrand, Shibui Gallery and Sculpture Garden (Maple Bay)

"Hi there, Ed and I are doing pretty good. The vet is tackling his some health issues and Ed seems to be much happier overall with summer being here. He's even willing to roll on his back and let me rub his tummy now which I think is a good sign of our improved relationship. Anyone I talk to about Ed gets a big recommendation from me regarding Cowichan Canine. I sing your praises every chance I get since I know that I would be in a pretty bad situation without your help every step of Ed's development. Thanks so much for all the education that I needed and all of the fun times as well"

- Sent in by Heather Welychko (Vancouver Island)

"Thanks Bev, You are totally awesome and a great teacher. Thanks also to Lisbeth for her puppy socialization classes, and to Karen and Laurie. We took these classes as a condition of our breeder's contract, and we are so glad we did. It all began with your wonderful puppy socialization classes – little Fred was so happy to meet other little ones, and we learned a lot about dog etiquette and grooming. And then it progressed to Foundation where finally I could put a dog into a “down” without begging (eg our two other goldens now in doggie heaven) and could walk around the neighbourhood without the dog walking me! I think Fred is a happier and smarter puppy because of your training style. Woof woof from Fred! And a big thank you from us!"

- Sent in by Marilyn and Kelly (Shawnigan Lake, BC)

"I enjoyed working with Bev and Laurie. The small classes and individual attention really make a big difference. There were a couple of moments in Foundations when you said "Click!" (and I did - yeah me...) at precisely the right moment for me to 'get it'. As a result, we went from Vita pulling like a fiend to polite walking in literally 2 classes. And getting the mechanics of Leave It/Take It down on my part (thank you again), helped me sort that one out in 3 or 4 sessions at home. We have, as you know, moved on to agility; Vita is having fun and is getting more confident and spirited with each class."

- Sent in by Colleen Hawkey (Ladysmith)

"My big triumph was on the beach two weeks ago. Arwyn gets to be off leash at the beach (she's been on the long line on forest hikes for months now) and there was a deer eating seaweed... the dogs, of course, blasted off after the deer up the steep bank... I called... AND THEY CAME BACK!! A miracle. Well, the miracle of training."

- Sent in by Cheryl (PhD, Reg Psychologist), with Sukha & Arwyn (Maple Bay, BC)

"Just want to thank you Lisbeth and also Bev and Karen for the excellent training that Lily and I have enjoyed so much. I know Lily has enough for a pass now but we really are aiming for distinction. We are working hard at home as well to see if we can get this. Lily is so improved now. My husband says that in the mornings when he is playing ball off leash with her that she no longer runs at other dogs, she just ignores them now. I noticed when I took her to another trainer in the summer she was always panting and anxious. At Cowichan Canine she is just so happy and cannot wait to get in the door. It is her favourite place so obviously what you are doing is right and the place has great vibes for dogs. She has not reacted to the dogs in the classes either but is always wagging her tail. I am very grateful for this. We will be back in December and want to go onto greater things in advanced and we are both looking forward to it. Going to bring my other dog Cole as well."

- Sent in by Susan (Maple Bay, BC)

"Chewie and I just finished the Foundation Programme, with distinction, in 7 weeks. We would not have been able to accomplish this if it wasn't for the team of ladies at Cowichan Canine. Chewie is James and my first puppy, and we were pretty clueless. Thanks to the guidance of Bev, Karen and Lisbeth we are proud of our dog, but also of the "puppy parents" we have become. We hope to continue our education at Cowichan Canine, and we recommend the training facility to anyone who owns a dog. And it all started with the Puppy Socialization class! Thank you so much!"

- Sent in by Kim Phillips & James Funfer (Mill Bay, BC)

"I have taken my Pembroke Welsh Corgi through Puppy Classes, The Foundation Programme, Starters Agility and we are now in Advanced Agility. The overall results have been excellent. Reba is now competing at Agility Trials and will soon move from Starters there to Advanced. Lisbeth, Bev, and Karen helped immensely along the way, but Reba's Agility success is solely due to Jody. She is amazing in so many ways - knowledgeable, patient, able to adapt her communication to different clients at different levels beautifully, and so much more. She is encouraging and Reba runs to see her when we attend class. A big Paws Up to Jody and CC."

- Sent in by Brenda Burch (Duncan, BC)

"Last week I had to take True to the vet because he had an ear infection. He bounced into the office with me as if he was going to the park, he was friendly with the girls at the front desk. We went in the examination room and he was fine, happily sniffing every square inch of the floor. He was happy to see the vet and even though his ear was sore he didn't do anything when she swabbed it. True didn't enjoy having his anal glands expelled but he didn't struggle or make a peep. I was so proud of him. The vet said she was amazed at how well behaved he was and how he had come such a long way, and she complimented me on my training. Thank you so much for all your help."

- Sent in by Wendy Neumann & True the Bouiver (Reactive Dog Programme student, Duncan, BC)

"Hi Bev – I thought I’d let you know that Cody’s behaviour has been absolutely stellar since we graduated Foundations. We’ve been doing quite a bit of off leash walking, and he is suddenly paying so much more attention, coming when he is called – even if he’s playing with other dogs – I can hardly believe it! Thanks again for all your help. Looking forward to seeing more info on Advanced Clicker and the other course you mentioned (good neighbor?) in October."

- Sent in by Joann Wilson (Duncan, BC)

"Lisbeth is one of a handful of individuals that we have worked with who intuitively understand how dogs work and think. Her classes, program organization, library and newsletter are outstanding. "

- Sent in by Fern & Doug Bell (Chemainus, BC)

"My Mom was very impressed with the change in Finn and reminded me of a walk we took last March where he was explosive at everyone we met along the way. "

- Sent in by Robyn Dallaway (Reactive Dog Programme student, Cobble Hill, BC)

"Our little Frenchton, Blaze, graduated from the Foundations class today with Honours. The training we received was top notch, excellent quality, and fun. We appreciated the often humorous comments thrown into our training from Karen and Stephanie, as well as the clear, easy to understand aspects of this training program. We have already introduced Blaze to Scent Detection and Agility and will continue on with these in the fall. We truly appreciate the care and commitment our instructors gave in the training of our Blaze, and of ourselves! Who knew we had so much to learn, too! :) Thank you, Karen and Stephanie! We will definitely be referring others to Cowichan Canine."

- Sent in by Linda Batten (& Matt) (Duncan)

"Hello Cowichan Canine Team! My Kooikerhondje, Buddy, and I have just completed the beginner Foundation training course. The whole process has been fantastic. Buddy is a very smart (of course) and overenthusiastic pup. My goal with him was to nip problems in the bud (pardon the pun:) to start on a path to a positive and calm relationship. We had the privilege of learning under Jody, Karen and Lisbeth in Prep school. All had different styles but their methods were consistent, positive, sound and they work! Buddy and I then moved on to Beginner Foundation under Stephanie's tutelage. Her guidance was patient, kind and empathetic. I was the slower learner, but Stephanie showed me what Buddy was capable of and gave me the knowledge,tools and insight to meet my goals. The facility is top-class, well-equipped, spotless and safe. Learning at Cowichan Canine was the most enriching investment I could have made and I hope to continue in various activities in the future. Thank you all!"

- Sent in by Gill Johansen & Buddy (Duncan, BC)

"I cannot say enough wonderful things about cowichan canine!!! My pup went through the puppy start right and then onto the foundation classes. Stef and Stephanie were fantastic!!! Both classes are well run, organized, they are excellent teachers and spend time with you and your dog. The class sizes are small which makes an excellent learning facility. Stef and Stephanie are patient and kind. The knowledge is second to none. You are able to ask questions and have one on one time as necessary. Did I mention how clean the facility is...? Holy you'd never know dogs are there all day. We wanted to give our pup his best chance and cowichan canine certainly facilitated that."

- Sent in by Elizabeth Butler-Smythe and Matt Tregear (cobble hill)

"I found COWICHAN CANINE by accident. It was the best accident I ever had. CC above all has made me a better and more aware pet owner. They have opened my eyes farther than I thought I could see. I am grateful for my new knowledge and grateful That my puppy/dog will have the best education to guide him through his life happily. Thank you Lisbeth Jody Glenda Stephanie and especially Nancy for immediately catching my errors."

- Sent in by Denise williams (MALAHAT BC)

"Hero has been making lots and lots of progress. His only setbacks have been when I have pushed him too far. I am on summer break from teaching and have been dedicated hours each day to his training. Too many great stories to share, but I do have to share this one, for me it was his "graduation." Ever since our sessions with you at the house, I have been working with Hero on an "away" command, where he keeps away from being right in front of doors. For the last months, I drop treats on the floor at the end of the hallway by my living room as I go in and out the front door. I do it 100% of the time. A few weeks ago, high winds blew open the front door at 7:30 a.m. while I was sleeping. I heard Hero pacing in the living room and then whining. I got up to investigate and found Hero waiting patiently in his "away" location, waiting for his treat, rather than go out the un-supervised wide open front door and into mischief. It was worth every treat I had spent!!!!!"

- Sent in by Becky & Hero (Duncan)

"We enrolled our dog Xena in the basic Foundations course. Cowichan Canine provided professional and usable training for us. Our trainer Stephanie is an amazingly patient and knowledgeable instructor. The small class size was ideal and we always were able to get the attention and training instruction we needed. I would highly recommend Cowichan Canone to any dog owner who wants to improve the behaviour of their dog. We will be enrolling Xena in more classes in the near future."

- Sent in by Patrick Doherty (Cobble Hill)

"My dog Evan is so lucky that I attended the Impulse workshop tonight!!! More knowledge was obtained by me in this fun and enjoyable class to help him live a happy and doglfull life with the humans. Thanks Lisbeth for sharing what you know."

- Sent in by Denise Williams (Malahat)

"Today I was paid the ultimate compliment by Lisbeth Plant, owner of Cowichan Canine. She said I had helped my puppy Daphne (now 6 months old) develop into a really nice young dog. I agree! But of course I could not have done it without the wonderful folks at Cowichan Canine: professional, caring, knowledgeable and a bonus - all with a great sense of humour! Lisbeth, Stephanie, Andrea, Glenda and Steph all continue to help me guide Daphne and I am so grateful for their help, knowledge and kindness and for occasionally talking me down from a proverbial cliff! How lucky we are here in the Cowichan valley to have access to a full spectrum of resources to help guide and develop our dogs into the best they can be! Let the learning (and fun) continue!"

- Sent in by Theresa Coles (Duncan)

"Dear Lisbeth, Those of us who are devoted dog owners are fortunate to have this gem of a facility here in the Cowichan Valley. These qualified, experienced, good humored and kind-hearted ladies have been so helpful to this “experienced” lifelong dog family with hell puppy Radar. New insights and practices prove you can teach these old dogs’ new tricks. And a program so reasonably priced too. It’s not that often these days you get such value for your dollar. Really. These last couple of months have been fun watching our little land shark morph into a loving and disciplined member of our family. We have so much respect for Karen, who worked with us in our Foundation training, with her amazing lengthy qualifications and down to earth sense of humor. She’s such a fantastic teacher! Our little grad Radar will now enter into her graduate studies - Scent Detection. Such Fun! Thank You"

- Sent in by John, Joanna, Rosie and Radar Blaszczyk (Duncan, BC)

"Hello Cowichan Canine, We thought you might enjoy an update on Sigrid. We went to the Port Alberni Sanction Match. We are so thankful we did Puppy Start Right and are in Foundations 1. The training really pulled together in this environment. Sigrid experienced crating, grooming, strange people touching and examining, strange dogs, a new place with strange acoustics, angry dogs, scared dogs, new commands, and a show lead. Her socialization has given her confidence in spades! She handled it all like a champ and she truly enjoyed herself as we were hoping she would. We could not have done this without the foundations training to settle and also to pay attention in a distracting environment. It was helpful for her to be used to coexisting next to other focused dogs without greeting. Thank you so much for all she is learning. Cait & Jess"

- Sent in by Sigrid & Cait & Jess (Duncan, BC)

"We brought our dog to Cowichan Canine to help us better support his socialization and were very happy with actionable advice and info we received through the Behavioural Evaluation and subsequent private lessons. We saw swift and lasting results! Thanks so much!"

- Sent in by Gill Polard (Duncan)

"Hi Lisbeth, Just wanted to let you know Wylie’s emergency recall works! We came across two unleashed dogs on a hike yesterday and he went over the edge unfortunately- tore the leash out of my hand and ran away into the woods. I took a tumble in the process and by the time I got up he was out of sight. Pulled out the whistle, called him repeatedly and after what seemed like ages he came to me! We will never leave the house without my whistle ad sardines…thank you so much! Marika"

- Sent in by Marika with Wylie (Reactive Dog Programme student) (Victoria)

"My little dog, Tilly and I have completed our Foundations course and I would be remiss if I did not express how wonderful the experience has been. I was so impressed with the organization of the programme and Lisbeth’s knowledgeable and friendly staff. I particularly liked the fact that you could book class times online when they suited you. I adopted Tilly at 5 months and knew that she had had very little socialization and training. For consistency I chose to stay with one instructor, Paula. One can tell that she is very passionate and knowledgeable about her job. I found Paula to be excellent at demonstrating and explaining the tasks at hand and she showed patience and understanding with me as Tilly and I learned together. It also helped that Paula had a good sense of humour and gave us positive feedback and praise when it was often needed. Sadly, there were no “treats” for owners but I would take another course with Cowichan Canine in a heartbeat!"

- Sent in by Deb Tustin (Cowichan Bay)

"Lisbeth is very knowledgeable about the science behind dog training, and full of great ideas. Whatever the issue, she has suggestions and approaches. We live in a remote region, and Lisbeth's willingness to work with us virtually was a lifesaver. I also really appreciated having detailed written instructions, rather than relying on memory or my own notes. The training made a huge difference in our lives. Many thanks!"

- Sent in by Laura (Port Hardy, BC)

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What Clients Are Saying:

We brought our dog to Cowichan Canine to help us better support his socialization and were very happy with actionable advice and info we received through the Behavioural Evaluation and subsequent private lessons. We saw swift and lasting results! Thanks so much!

Gill Polard

We just wanted you let you know that we bought 2 of the tractive GPS trackers for our Siberian Huskies as they are a breed known to not come back if let off a leash. We purchased the premium plan and we are truly amazed at what this can do. We have tested it even driving in our vehicle. It was very easy to set up on an app on our phones and each tracker has the capability of having a photo of your dog and shows the picture while tracking. We have a perimeter alarm set on it that texts us as soon as either dog breaches it and no matter where we are in the world we can switch to live tracking and track exactly where they’ve run off to. We are very pleased with how simple everything was and how sturdy the trackers are themselves. We would recommend this to anyone. January 20, 2018

Dee & Terry Durant
Duncan, BC

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©2025 Cowichan Canine Behaviour & Training Ltd. All rights reserved.
Group Classes, Private or Semi-private in-home training Lessons and confidential
Behaviour Consultations in the Cowichan Valley area, on southern Vancouver Island, servicing Chemainus, Cobble Hill, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Duncan, Glenora, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Malahat, Maple Bay, Mill Bay, Saltair, Saltspring Island, Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island and Youbou.
Palm Tree Creative